Lee-soon jae is the famous for Korean actor. He is real actor.
He is 74-year-old. But we are not treated his elder for many sitcom showed him familiarly. He performed it from here to there and many-sided. He was loved all the people of the Korean. He has reason like grandfather friendly that he has humility. He is angled towards younger viewers. So we would approach him closely. These humility things happen due to professional mentality. He has the necessary credentials to get higher money. Because he was the elder, famous, superior and Congressman. But he not leaned these things. He do not demand special treatment.
His speech seems to listen to history. Very interesting.
Yet he cried his eyes out at the saying "The Korea Fighting!!". Maybe He is one thing, we are another what feeled 'Dae Han Min Guk'.
I respect his challenged passion though his age.
He is a wonderful actor and character actor.
답글삭제His acting is very good.!
I respect his challenged passion too.